

March 26, 2009

Fuck yeah! Comin’ to save the motherfuckin’ raid now!


Fuck yeah! Hard mode is the only wayyyy now.

Alright, so maybe I got a bit carried away, and Ulduar doesn’t deserve it’s own theme-song, but it’s a sad state of affairs when yours truly is so eagerly anticipating something, that I decide to break into song. 

You, my loving readers, are oh so lucky to have just experienced that. But, moving on.

Ulduar is just around the proverbial corner, and think the only thing that’s keeping my guildleader from wetting himself in ecstasy over the prospect of a completely new instance to violate is more than likely the same as every other major raid/guildleader out there – You know that it’s going to be a fleeting experience, like rubbing one out in the bathroom at work. Yes, it may make you feel good for that moment, but once you leave, you’ll just feel dirty, mellow, and also have an uncontrollable desire to raid the nearest fridge. 

Get it? I talk about a RAID instance, and then make a comparison that makes you want to RAID a fridge? Yeah? Y’get it?


Oh shut up. 

But it is inevitable. We’re seeing two instances in one as we did before – a ten and a twenty-five man (or woman, sheesh) version with the same basic experience in each. And the major point that Blizzard has been shouting about almost non-stop for the last few weeks? The fact that it’s loaded – LOADED – with ‘Hard mode’ fights. I’m resisting the urge to bitch more about it, but moving on. But the basic question that I’ve heard asked a few times, and in a few back-alley forums on teh internetz is “How long is going to last?”

Now sure, you’ve got the ten-man guilds out there that are still working in raid-alliances or whatever to be able to field a 25 man run for Naxx still, so there are those people that aren’t going to be going there anytime soon. But what of the ‘core’ raiding element in the World of Warcraft community? 

And I’m not talking about those SK Gaming fucks that are treating it like a second job. People may think that’s cool, but I’m sure as hell not one of them. Doing this stuff because you enjoy it, or you enjoy the company of your fellows is one thing. Doing this kinda shit because someone is paying you to do it, to be first in the world, country, state, zipcode, whatever, just seems to be too much like masturbation without the payoff to me.

 Days? Weeks? A few months, at the most I’m sure, before the place is just as much on farm-mode as Sarth 3D and whatnot. Then we wait, in annoyed silence, for our next blast of joy in the form of another content patch. So, I guess that everyone should sit down, kick back, and drink down this new instance the moment it comes to them.

Me? I’m going to pass. Too much like drinking Drain-o. Sure, it’ll clean you out, but it’ll leave you hollow inside.

As a side-note, I’m currently dying of the plague IRL, so my entries will be slowed slightly. I was hoping to put up a guest-post by a pvp-nazi friend of mine, but he sent it to me in a text-file, and I wasn’t feeling that productive.


  1. You need to get better and log into vent. I totally didn’t realize that thingie up top was supposed to be a song and need to be ejumacated.

  2. Your question “how long is it going to last?”

    The answer – not long.

    The basic fact is the people who can do the hardmodes can still do them pretty quickly. The people who can’t, have people who really don’t want to, but the bottom line is both groups reach a similar finish line at the same time only to wind up being bored with the lack of anything else.

    Yes, I’m glad guilds like mine can see more content. But I admit I’m also disappointed by the lack of challenges like Vashj and Kael who really felt like something when you beat them.

    And I think all that hard mode vs. easy mode has done is make a lot more lazy raiders. >.<

  3. A very, very good perspective on this matter, Blee. Thank you for posting 🙂

  4. This blog’s great!! Thanks :).

  5. I fully agree. Ulduar looks interesting mainly because it’s new. Lore, steampunkish type crap, new loot, etc….whatever floats your boat.

    I’m sure my guild will clear it within a few weeks, so there goes the “fresh and new” crowd getting what they wanted. After that, we’ll have the eventual “Hey! Let’s do this thing in hard mode!” and then we’ll go through many more weeks of grinding this place out in hard mode…to the point where we can do a full clear in hard mode week after week. That will take care of the “farm for challenges/epix” crowd. After that, we’ll have the “Hey! Let’s do the fucking achievement stand-on-one-leg-rub-your-belly-pat-your-head nonsense to get the Glory of the Masochist Raider title.” That will finish off the “psycho completionist” crowd. Rinse/repeat for patch 3.2 or whatever it will be called.

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